Friday, September 30, 2016

Do You Talk To Yourself?

by Kay Heitsch
I don't know about you, but I do talk to myself. I believe we all do. I heard a joke, "I talk to myself because sometimes I need expert advice." We all laugh, but if we talk to ourselves in the right way we are putting 'expert advice' into our minds.
It's important what we say to ourselves. I liked today's quote because it gives us some things we can say to ourselves. We can say, "This is going to be a great day. I'm excited about my future. Something good is going to happen to me and through me."
I remember a few years ago I came on this Bible verse. "What would have become of me had I not believed that I would see the Lord's goodness in the land of the living." Psalm 27:13 AMP
This verse really spoke to me. Where would I be today if I had not believed I would see the Lord's goodness right here on earth?
My life has radically changed believing God has a good plan for my future (see Jeremiah 29:11). Saying, "This is going to be a great day!" (See Psalms 118:24) Then adding, "Something good is going to happen to me and through me." (see Galatians 6:10)
When we talk to ourselves we need to be sure we're saying things that help us grow in a positive way. The Bible say, Love your neighbor as yourself. Mark 12:31.
Do you need expert advice? Try talking to yourself in a way that will help you grow. Saying, "This is going to be a great day. I'm excited about my future. Something good is going to happen to me and through me!" Saying these things along with some Bible verses are a great way to start the day.

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Father Knows Best

by Kay Heitsch
It was back in the 50's and 60's that the TV program "Father Knows Best" was on. I really liked that show.
Today's quote "The God who know you best. Knows the best for you." brought that old TV show to mind.
It is true that God is our Father and He knows what's best for each of us. When we do things His way it will be the best for us.
What if we don't do things His way? Does God love us less? I don't believe He does. Why? Because God IS love. He is who He is...LOVE. "...for God is love." 1 John 4:8
We are no surprise to God. God knows everything about us...and He still loves us anyway. (See Psalm 139)
When I finally came to the end of trying to be happy on my own I decided to do things God's way. Somehow I knew I was no surprise to God. Part of what I remember saying was, "Lord, you know what you're getting when you get me. I'm no surprise to you. Have at it!"
I'm thankful that the Lord did know me personally. After all "God knit me together in my mother's womb" Psalm 139:13. It is only God who knows us deep down. People may know us on a certain level, but God knows everything.

Believe it or not...Father Knows Best! He does know what's best for each of us. Plus, God knows everything about us...and He still loves us anyway.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

You've Changed

by Kay Heitsch
Many years ago someone remarked, "You've changed. What do you know now that you didn't know before?"
At the time I had a hard time explaining the change. I do remember I answered, " One thing I know: I was blind, now I see." I didn't know at the time this actually was a Bible verse (see John 9:25.)
I had changed; and I mean a lot! I met a man who was a Bible teacher. He would say to me, "I understand...I used to see things that way too." I learned from him that sometimes we may see things a certain way for a time. But then our eyes are opened and we see things differently.
I had many wrong ways of thinking. I started to study the Bible asking the Lord to teach me. As I did my eyes were opened to a totally new way of life. I was surprised how blind I had been.
Slowly but surely my life began to change as I changed my mind. Changing my mind wasn't easy. I had to read some Bible passages many times to have it sink in. It seemed too good to be true! But I knew it was true as I began to see.
I have changed little by little. However, I have a long way to go. I'm still not where I want to be, but I'm thankful I was willing to change. At least I'm not where I was. I'm still willing to keep on changing with the help of the Lord. ("Instead, let the Spirit renew your thoughts and attitudes." Ephesians 4:23 NLT)

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Let Love Be Our Focus

by Kay Heitsch
Wouldn't life be brighter if we actually focused on what really mattered and focused on love? The Bible says, "Let all that you do be done in love." 1 Corinthians 16:14 ESV
What would our world be like if we focused on what really mattered and did everything with the focus on love?
There's a quote that says, "What we focus on grows." I believe as we keep our focus on love it will grow. As it does our lives will be brighter and brighter.

Monday, September 26, 2016

Want Friends?

by Kay Heitsch
I think most people want to have friends. For some people I believe it's hard for them. Maybe it's hard because they are waiting for other people to be friendly to them first. I don't know.
There's a Bible verse that says, "A man who has friends must himself be friendly. But there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother." Proverbs 18:24 NKJV
This verse says a lot on how to have friends, If you want friends you must be friendly. It doesn't say others must be friendly to you. We need to be the one who is friendly first. Sometimes people just need to be shown how. For me I start by a friendly smile. I've made many friends over the years by the simple act of a smile.
What do you do if a friend isn't around? The second part of this verse tells us that we always have a friend. "There is a friend who sticks closer than a brother." Most of you know who this friend is. Our Lord also said, "I will be with you always...Matthew 28:20
If we want friends we need to show ourselves friendly. But always remember, "You Got A Friend" a friend who sticks closer than a brother.

What's Always In Style?

by Kay Heitsch
Lots of people want to be in style. Today's quote stated that a SMILE is always in style. I liked that!
There's several quotes I like that talk about a SMILE. One is, "The most beautiful thing you can wear is a SMILE." Another one is by Mother Teresa, "Every time you SMILE at someone, it is an action of LOVE, a gift to that person, a beautiful thing."
When we SMILE it's an act of friendship too. We all like people to be friendly to us, but sometimes we need to show them how. A SMILE is a great way to do that.
I think Monday is a good time to start being in style. Instead of waiting for people to be friendly to us, we can show them how by a SMILE! Like Mother Teresa said, "A SMILE is an action of LOVE."

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Smiling Faces

by Kay Heitsch
One day I mentioned to my husband Bill how people seem to smile at me no matter where I go. He surprised me when he asked, "Do you know why?" No I really didn't. Bill went on to say, "Because you look them in the eyes and smile at them first." I hadn't even realized that I was doing these things.
Years ago I had this quote by Harvey Firestone on the bottom of my emails. "We all smile in the same language." I also added, "Smiling faces make you happy." Proverbs 15:30 along with the quote.
When a person smiles at me I feel happy and comfortable around that person. There is something inviting about a smile.
We do all smile in the same language. I hope I continue to unknowingly smile at strangers. When I do I know I feel happy. I guess they feel happy too because they usually smile back at me.

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Who Needs To Change?

by Kay Heitsch
Yesterday I put a quote on, "Never change yourself so that others will like you." It's a fact that 10% of people won't like you no matter how nice and kind you are.
Sometimes we think other people need to change. I've read things that say something like, If you would change I wouldn't act a certain way. We're in control of our attitudes and the way we act. We can't blame others, but many people do.
I've learned over the years that when I've changed my attitude about the negative actions of others, now those things don't bother me too much anymore. So I needed to change!
We can't keep changing ourselves so everyone will like us. I believe we would go crazy trying. Why? Because not everyone will like us no matter what.
If there are things we would like to change about ourselves we can ask the Lord to help us change. Then we will be changed from the inside out. Somehow when this kind of change takes place I believe more people will like us and we'll like ourselves more too.

Don't Miss The Sun Today

by Kay Heitsch
How many days have we wasted worrying about what might happen tomorrow?
Since we don't know what tomorrow may bring why not focus on the good things that are all around us today.
I like today's quote, "Don't miss the sun today worrying about the rain tomorrow. Write it on your heart that every day is the best day of the year."
There's an inspirational poem by Gregory Lousignont called, "The Best Day Of My Life." In the poem it talks about 'Today' as being the best day of my life.
When we remember that worrying is a waste of time we can share a smile, give a compliment, be kind and loving, and be grateful for what we do have. When we do these things we won't miss the sun today! Then we can write it on our hearts that today and every day is the best day of the year.

Friday, September 23, 2016

Happiness Is Like Jam

by Kay Heitsch
Isn't it wonderful to be around a happy person? When you're around them somehow their happiness spreads all over you too.
When we're the one spreading happiness it makes us happy too. Like today's quote says, "Happiness is like jam. You can't spread even a little without getting some on yourself."
We all want to be happy. So why not be like jam and start spreading happiness around. I know if we do we'll get some on ourselves.
Today's Bible verse, ...those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed. Proverbs 11:25 NLT goes right along with today's quote. As we spread happiness we are refreshing others and in so doing refreshing ourselves. Yay!

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Our Talents Are A Gift From God

by Kay Heitsch
There are things that we are all good at. However, we are not all good at the same things. That's why it's important not to be jealous of other people and their talents.
I've noticed for myself that the things I seem to be good at, I may take for granted. I assume everyone must be good at these things too. I'm surprised when someone points out a talent or something I'm good at. I think I am surprised because it's something that just comes natural to me.
I remember reading "Every good and perfect gift is from above...James 1:17 years ago. Somehow I never really thought about 'our talents and everything we're good at' as every good and perfect gift. But now I can see they are.
"Your talent and everything you're good at is a gift from God. What you do with it is your gift back to God." is a good reminder to use our God given gifts and talents as our gift back to God.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Keep Calm...God Is In Control. He Has A Plan!

by Kay Heitsch
"Keep calm...God is in control. He has a plan!" is something I have to remind myself quite often listening to the news at election time.
I also need to remind myself that the results will be no surprise to God. I may be surprised, but God is not. He knows the end from the beginning and He has a plan.
I don't know exactly what God's plans are; or even how things will work out. According to Jeremiah 29:11 it say, "For I know the plans I have for you, say the LORD. "They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and hope."
So I can Keep Calm...God Is In Control. He has a plan for everything!

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Leave Footprints Behind

by Kay Heitsch
Have you ever thought of leaving footprints behind?
Today's quote "Don't ever compare yourself to others. You are unique! Everyone is who they are for a reason. Leave footprints behind."
I truly believe we are here for a reason. We are unique! We can't compare ourselves to others. Our journey is not theirs nor is theirs ours. We have our own footprints to leave behind.
I remember well the day I saw, "For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them." Ephesians 2:10
Wow, I was awestruck when I read this. I could see clearly that God had created me for good works and they were already prepared for me to do them.
We are all unique! There is no point in comparing ourselves to others. We are who we are for a reason. We all have footprints to leave behind!

Monday, September 19, 2016

Take The Trash Out!

by Kay Heitsch
Monday is trash day at our house. Today when I thought about what quote I would put on I thought about it being 'trash day.'
Today's quote, "Say goodbye to negative thoughts. The happiness of your life depends on the quality of your thoughts." made me think of how 'negative thoughts' are trash in our minds.
We can "Take The Trash Out" of our minds. According to 2 Corinthians 10:5 we are to 'take the trash out' by overthrowing wrong thinking.
On Monday and everyday I want to remember to "Take The Trash Out!" of my mind. One thing I know is that the happiness of my life depends on the quality of my thoughts. "For as he thinks in his heart, so is he..." Proverbs 23:7

Sunday, September 18, 2016


by Kay Heitsch
Recalculating, recalculating, recalculating! How many times have you heard those words on a trip?
Today I heard a message about God giving us second changes and saying, "recalculating" when we make wrong choices and turns in our lives. I can't even imagine how many times God's had to say, "Recalculating" in my life.
Today's quote, "No matter how far you've gone down the wrong road in life, you can always turn around. God gives second chances and U-turns." spoke right to this point.
I don't know about others, but I find the GPS voice annoying at times. But when I am going the wrong direction and need help I'm happy to be put back on the right road.
God can make miracles out of mistakes. I know He's certainly done that in my life. He's had to say, "Recalculating" many times! I'm thankful for second chances and U-turns.
This Bible verse tells us that God causes things to work together for good even when we go down the wrong road. "And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them." Romans 8:28.

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Seasons Change

by Kay Heitsch
Since I live in Michigan we are blessed to watch the changing of the seasons. Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter are totally different. I enjoy watching the seasons change and seeing the beauty each season holds.
Today's quote, "Each moment of the year has it's own beauty. Embrace the current season of your life. Seasons change and so do we." reminded me of this.
I do enjoy the changing of the seasons and seeing the beauty each season holds. However, I hadn't really thought about, "Embrace the current season of my life. Seasons change and so do we." before.
I'm not sure if I'm in the fall or winter season of my life. I know I'm past spring and summer. lol

I hope and pray whatever season you're in you'll take time to embrace every season and look for the beauty in each. I know I'll be more aware to do this now.

Friday, September 16, 2016

Investing Time

by Kay Heitsch
Today I heard a message on time. I hadn't really thought about 'investing time'. Today's quote, "Time is like currency. We can either spend our time wasting it or investing it." seemed to go right along with the message.
Investing time in ourselves can be an investment that pays great dividends. When we eat right, exercise, get enough sleep, spend time laughing and doing things we enjoy plus, helping others and spending time with God all these things add energy and enjoyment to our lives. I believe these are a wise investment of our time.
We can waste a lot of time doing things that will not add a thing to our well being or the well being of another.
I'm going to try and think more about "Investing Time." I believe if I do it will add great dividends to my life.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Just Do It!

by Kay Heitsch
When I read today's quote, "Don't let your doubts sabotage your actions. Just do it!" I thought about a true story I wrote years ago. What happened by 'taking action' and 'just doing it' changed my thinking from that day until now.
One morning I was sitting on the couch doing my daily Bible study. Out of no where I had a thought to go to the corn stand at the Antique Mall. This seemed really odd to me. One reason was because the Antique Mall was in another town. Plus, I had no idea if they even had a corn stand there.
I tried to dismiss the thought, but it wouldn't go away.
Finally, I said to the LORD, "You know my heart and I really want to do what You are saying. If this is You telling me to go I want to obey, if this is not, You know my heart is right."
I got up and left everything as it was and got in the van. I drove to the Antique Mall wondering what I would find. Lo and behold, there was a corn stand. I stopped and thought, "Well, now what do I do?
The thought to get out and buy some corn came to me. Good idea! After I bought the corn I was still confused to why I was there. I put the corn in the van and noticed some inspirational booklets I had in the van. I pick one out and walked over and handed it to the girl selling corn.
With a look of surprise this girl asked, "Who sent you?" I was stunned and answered, "GOD!" When I said, "GOD" this young girl came around the counter with tears in her eyes and hugged me.
She explained that about 20 minutes earlier she had received some news she wasn't expecting. She went on to tell me that she had prayed that GOD would send someone to her. We were both amazed GOD sent me, a stranger.
I am so happy that I didn't let my 'doubts sabotage my actions' that day. Now whenever I think something may be God I "Just Do it!"

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Make Today Count

by Kay Heitsch
The older I get the more I understand about making today count. I know I've lived longer than I have left on this earth. So I want each day to count.
Some people ask me why I go to Planet Fitness and exercise. Usually they make a comment about living longer. Well, that's not the reason I exercise and try to take care of my health. I do it to feel good today and hopefully to improve my tomorrows.
Today's quote, "Do something today that your future self will thank you for. Make today count! What you do today may very well improve your tomorrows." says a lot to how I think.
I don't want to come to the end of my life sick and tired thinking, "Boy, I sure wish I had taken better care of myself." I want to "Make Today Count" today and everyday!

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Hold On To Peace

by Kay Heitsch
Maybe you're not like me, but I tend to respond with an opinion when I hear something upsetting on the news. If I want to 'hold on to peace' I need to keep today's Bible verse, "Fret not yourself because of evil doers..." Psalm 37:1 in my thoughts.
With the election and all that's going on in the world it's easy to be kept stirred up about something. I do not want to live stirred up about something all the time. I want to learn to 'hold on to peace.'
Today's quote, "The less you respond to negative people, the more peaceful your life will become. Hold on to your peace. Nothing can take it from you unless you give it away. " hit home!
I pray I put this into practice and "Hold On To Peace." I know it will be the best way to live.

Monday, September 12, 2016

I Do What I Want

by Kay Heitsch
We like to joke around in our family and say, "I do what I want!" We make a joke out of it; but it's not so funny if we make a wrong choice.
Free will is having the freedom to make a right choice. I hadn't thought of it that way until I read today's quote. "Free will doesn't mean doing whatever you want. It means having the freedom to do what is right. You are free to make your choices, but you are not free to choose the consequences."
I'm thankful that we have free will. I'm also thankful I am free to make right choices today. Sometimes doing what's right isn't always easy, but in the long run it's worth it.. As the quote also says, "You are free to make your own choices, but you are not free to choose the consequences."

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Covered In Ash

by Kay Heitsch
As I was reflecting back on 9-11-01 I remember seeing people covered in ash. Being covered in ash you couldn't tell the race, gender, age, or even how people were dressed. Every person was equal. All lives mattered that day as people reached out to help one another.
I will never forget seeing those people covered in ash. I pray one day we all will see each person as an equal as we reach out to help one other.

Remembering 9-11-01

by Kay Heitsch
As with most of you I well remember 9-11-01. It started out a 'normal day.'  Bill was working at Financial Plus (formally West Side Auto Crédit Union) as a Financial Adviser. He left for work at his usual time.
As soon as Bill got word about the Twin Towers he came home. We both sat and stared at the TV in disbelief. It had only been a couple of years earlier that Bill had taken his training in those Twin Towers with Dean Witter. He knew those buildings and felt a connection with the people in them.
It was a very sad day, but I also noticed how people came together and were willing to help complete strangers. I saw people praying without worrying if anyone objected. As bad as it was you could see love manifested in many ways.
The Bible text "Don't let evil conquer you, but conquer evil by doing good." Romans 12:21 stood out in my mind as I watched people overcome evil with good that day.
God Bless America!

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Well, What Are You Going To Do?

by Kay Heitsch
As most people can tell I love quotes. There are quotes that have changed the way I think; and in so doing they have changed my life for the better. Today's quote is one, "The secret of life isn't what happens to you, but what you do with what happens to you." is a quote by Dr. Norman V. Peale that has had a huge impact on my life.
I love this quote by Dr. Peale so much that I've had it on my desk for many years.
We all go through things in life. We can become bitter or better, but we can't be both. I've known people who have become very bitter, but I've also known people who have become better. We all have to make that choice.
Have you ever had the thought, "Well, what are you going to do?" I know I have! When life happens and I think, "Well, what are you going to do?" I know what to do now. I ask the Lord to bring something good out of the situation so I can become a better person by going through it.

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Make It A Great Day!

by Kay Heitsch
Years ago I put this message on our answering machine. "Do yourself a favor. Make it a great day!"
You know you actually are doing yourself a favor by choosing to make it a great day.
I remember when I found the Bible text, "This is the day the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it." Psalm 118:24 I typed this verse out on our old Smith Corona typewriter with these words "I CHOOSE TO BE HAPPY TODAY!" I taped it to the refrigerator.
At the time I wasn't feeling any too happy. Our 16 year old son, Todd, had recently been killed in a car accident. But I knew by this Bible verse that I could choose to rejoice and be glad in each day.
Today's quote, "Life is full of choices. Choose to make it a great day!" is going to be a favorite of mine. It sure goes right along with the verse that gave me hope to be happy so many years ago.

Seeing Beauty In Everyday Things

by Kay Heitsch
It's amazing what we can see if we slow down long enough and take notice.
I've noticed how quickly the colors of a beautiful sunset change. This is true with a rainbow also. There are so many beautiful things we miss that are there, but we miss them.
Years ago right before Todd died he seemed to have eyes to see the beauty of things I took for granted. One day he said, "Mom, have you ever noticed how different and beautiful the bark is on trees?" Well, no I hadn't. Quite honestly, I never even looked at the bark on a tree.
Today's quote "It's up to us to see the beauty in everyday things. Everything has beauty...but not everyone can see it." reminded me to look for beauty in everyday things.

Monday, September 5, 2016

Work Is A Blessing

by Kay Heitsch
I can't imagine where this country would be if our forefather's had the attitude about work that some people have today. Why is it that some people consider work as a hardship or punishment?
I've had a lot of jobs in my lifetime. I've worked with people who enjoyed what they were doing; while others consider it a real burden and were miserable most of the time.
What's the difference? I say it's an attitude. Somewhere along the line they got the idea that work was a hardship or punishment. Maybe cleaning their room or helping around the house as a child was a punishment, I don't know.
As most people can tell I enjoy working and staying busy. I think anyone who has worked with me on a job would tell you the same thing.
Today's quote sums it up well. "Let us realize that the PRIVILEGE to WORK is a GIFT. That the POWER to WORK is a BLESSING. That the LOVE of WORK is SUCCESS." ~ David McKay ~

Sunday, September 4, 2016

You Only Spend It Once

by Kay Heitsch
This morning I hit on this quote. "The death of a loved one at an unexpected time makes you see everything in life so differently. Suddenly most things are just not a big deal." ~ Life Quotes ~
It's amazing how an unexpected turn in life can open our eyes to life in a whole new way. It doesn't have to be a death, but it can be something else that we weren't expecting.
This has happened to me. Things that seemed like a big deal just weren't a big deal anymore. I've seen this in other people's lives as well. Suddenly our vision changed! We saw what was really important in life.
When suddenly we have an unexpected life change we have a clear vision that, "Life is like a coin. You can spend it anyway you wish. But you only spend it once."

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Why Am I Here?

by Kay Heitsch
So many people ask the question, "Why am I here?" I know I did for many years.
After Todd died I had an insight to why I was here. I could clearly see that this world was not Todd's home or mine. We were only here for a time. "For this world is not our permanent home; we are looking forward to a home yet to come." Hebrews 13:14 NLT
Today's quote reminded me of that, "We are all visitors to this time, this place. We are just passing through. Our purpose here is, To Observe, To Learn, To Grow, To Love, and then we return home."
One of the most important insights I had was that our love/relationships with God, others, and ourselves, is the biggest reason why we are here. Because in the end that's what we will take back home. 1 Corinthians 13:8 says, "Love is eternal."
So why are we here? To Observe, To Learn, To Grow, and most important To Love! Because "Love is eternal."

Friday, September 2, 2016

Miracles Happen Everyday!

by Kay Heitsch
Today's quote, "Never stop BELIEVING because MIRACLES happen everyday!" brought the following true story to my mind.
Has God ever asked you to do something you thought was ridicules?
Around six months after our son Todd's death, our younger son Brandon (then almost three) began stuttering. You see, Brandon and I went for a walk each night, and about this time we saw a dead, decaying bird lying on the side of the road. Brandon referred to the bird as being "dead, just like Todd." He spoke of Todd often, and many people suggested that he needed professional help to deal with Todd's death. I took the problem right to the Lord.
As I prayed about Brandon's problem, it seemed that the Lord was telling me to bury the bird. But I argued against this. After all, I did not wish to have to bury every dead animal we might see; I did not even want to touch this one!
Finally, I gave in. We scooped up the bird in a bucket and brought it home. We dug a hole in the yard, and we talked. I told Brandon to shake the bird and call it; I did the same. I then told him that only Jesus could wake the little bird. I quoted the Bible and told him that one day Jesus would come back and call with a loud voice, and all who loved Him would come alive again. I said we would see Todd the minute Jesus woke him.
The next morning when Brandon woke up, he did not stutter, and he has not stuttered since that date--the six month anniversary of Todd's death. A miracle? Yes, I believe it was, and even though the idea to bury the bird seemed ridicules to me it had been the answer to my prayers.
Lord, help us to do whatever you tell us to do even though it may sound ridicules to us because MIRACLES happen everyday!

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Life Is Short. Do Stuff That Matters

by Kay Heitsch
What a quote! "Life is short. Do stuff that matters." When I read this quote today it jumped right out at me.
Life is short! Time flies and before we know it our children are grown. The next thing you know your grandchildren are grown too.
Bill's Grandma Z would always tell me, "Make good memories." I think to make good memories we need to do stuff that matters.
I still remember a kind word of encouragement a teacher gave me many years ago. That word of encouragement was doing "stuff that matters." Our kindness, our love, a word of encouragement, a hug, are all simple things that matter.
I hope we all remember that, "Life is short. Do stuff that matters" today! I bet when we do we will really have a great day!