Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Breathe In Peace and Breathe Out Love

by Kay Heitsch
Breathing is something we take for granted until we have a hard time doing it.
I like today's quote, "Breathe in peace and breathe out love. Everything is going to be alright." This quote reminds me that when I breathe I can think of breathing in peace and breathing out love. I hadn't thought of that. Also, to think that everything is going to be alright. It may not be today, but in the end everything will be alright.
I plan to go outside later today and I take a deep breathe. I'll be thinking of breathing in peace and breathing out love. I'll do this because i know in the end everything is going to be alright.

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Celebrate Life

by Kay Heitsch
Yesterday after our grandson's Noah and Eli returned home from their first day of school our daughter sent us a picture of them celebrating at Dewey's Pizza. I thought, "What a great idea and wonderful memory for the boys."
Too often we rush through life and forget to celebrate. Today's quote, "Celebrate Life! Life is not always perfect, but it's always what we make it. So make it count and make it memorable." stood out this morning when I thought about the boys celebrating at Dewey's Pizza.
Life is short and time flies. I hope we will all celebrate life and make it memorable.

Monday, August 29, 2016

Here's To New Beginnings

by Kay Heitsch
I chose today's quote because this is the first day of Kindergarten for our grandson, Eli. Today is not just another day for Eli or any of us who love him. This is a new beginning.
Today's quote. "Today is not just another day, it's a new opportunity, a new beginning. Here's to new beginnings!"
I think we all remember well our first day of Kindergarten. I know I do. At the time I certainly didn't think it was a new opportunity or a new beginning, but it was. I made some new friends and learned many life long lessons.
Here's to new beginnings! Sometimes we need to leave the old behind to step into a new beginning.

Sunday, August 28, 2016


by Kay Heitsch
Today's quote, "Put a SMILE on your face, PRAISE on your lips and hold on to your FAITH." I think is actually in the wrong order.
I would say when we PRAISE first, that very act will put a SMILE on our face and it helps us hold on to our FAITH.
I went through a hard time a few years ago when I hit on the Bible text that said " Let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually,"(see Hebrews 13:15)
Well quite honestly I didn't feel like praising God. But then I noticed it didn't say to praise if I felt like it. It said to offer a "sacrifice of praise."
I believe in putting things I read from the Bible into practice. I can tell you personally that when I offered a sacrifice of PRAISE first, it put a SMILE on my face and I was able to hold on to my FAITH in the storm.

Saturday, August 27, 2016

Run Your Own Race

by Kay Heitsch
Today is a big race in our area called, "The Crim." People come from all over the world to run in it. It's exciting to be apart of race day. Over the years I have gone downtown Flint and taken part. One year Kathy and I did the Crim, In Loving Memory of Ann.
People start to train months in advance to participate in the race. And it is the participation that they are training for. They are in it to run their own race. Most years the race is won by a man and woman who are from some other country.
We all have a race to run in life. Today's quote, "Run your own race and stay in your own lane. God has a specific path for you, where you will excel." is such a good reminder to, "Run Your Own Race."

Friday, August 26, 2016

Maintaining A Good Attitude

by Kay Heitsch
This morning I head a message on maintaining a good attitude when you go through trouble. I'd been thinking a lot about that lately so I took notice.  Joyce said, "Maintaining a good attitude in trouble is more important than getting rid of the trouble." 
For me I know it's important to 'maintain a good attitude' than try to get it back after I've gotten off the path. It's not easy some days, but it well worth it.
We never know what a day will bring. But we do know that if we 'maintain a good attitude' it will help in more ways than one.

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Bent Out Of Shape

by Kay Heitsch
I've known many people, including myself years ago, who seem to be "Bent out of shape." If it's not one thing they're upset about it's another.
Today's quote made me smile when I read it. "Blessed are the flexible, for they shall not get bent out of shape." Blessed they are! To be able to keep control over our upset is a blessing.
I used to live in a semi state of being "bent out of shape" a lot. Living like that is 'great foolishness' as the Bible puts it.(see Proverbs 14:29) I had headaches and stomach aches all brought on by being "Bent out of shape."
Thankfully, I learned to live a new way. Being flexible and not getting 'bent out of shape' is truly a blessing.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Shine On!

by Kay Heitsch
Let's be honest here. Some days it's easier to "Shine On!" than others. But what's the alternative?
Well, the alternative can be to be mad, poor me, this isn't fair, feel like giving up, etc. etc. Hum, now does that sound like an enjoyable way to spend your day? I don't think so.
Each morning starts a new page in our story. I like the thought to "Shine On!" This is a new day, with new hope, so I plan to "Shine On!"

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Looking For The Rainbow

by Kay Heitsch
"Everyone wants happiness. No one wants pain. But you can't have a rainbow without a little rain."
I love seeing a rainbow. I think everyone does. But we all know that to have a rainbow you need a little rain.
Rain in our lives sometimes means pain. We all would like to have stress free, pain free lives, but that's not how life is. We all have our "rain" days, but we can know that sooner or later we'll be seeing a rainbow.

Friday, August 19, 2016

Positive Thoughts

by Kay Heitsch
Today's quote has proven so true in my life, "Your mind is a powerful thing. When you fill it with positive thoughts your life will start to change."
For years I was pretty darn negative. When I started to read Dr Peale's books I found a better way to live. I remember well the day I read, "Be careful how you think, your life is shaped by your thought. Proverbs 4:23 GNT Boy, that was an eye opener!
I never gave it a thought about my mind being a powerful thing. Plus, how my thoughts were having a direct impact on my life.
Today's quote and Bible verse are another reminder to me to be careful what I allow in my mind because these thoughts will shape my life.

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Heavy Artillery

by Kay Heitsch
Have you ever thought of prayer as 'heavy artillery'? I certainly have. I've seen the power of prayer work in my life over and over.
For years when I have a problem I say, "Well, it's time to bring in the heavy artillery!" Many times I pray on my own, but other times when the battle gets really rough I call in Prayer Warriors.
I'm thankful that I don't have to fight battles on my own. I can call in the Prayer Warriors and use the heavy artillery of prayer to fight in the battle.
Today's quote ~ PRAYER ~ The most powerful weapon against trials, The most effective medicine against sickness and the most valuable gift to someone you love." says it so well.
I'm thankful I can use the heavy artillery of prayer. I'm also very thankful to have many Prayer Warriors who love me enough to give me the gift of pray.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

I Feel Good!

by Kay Heitsch
James Brown wrote a song about feeling good. "Wo! I feel good, I knew that I would, now. I feel good, I knew that I would, now. So good, so good, I got you!
This is how I feel! I'm so thankful that "I got you!" By you, I mean my wonderful family, my awesome friends, and of course, the most important God!
Every day is a blessing! Expecting something good to happen helps to keep a smile on your face no matter what your circumstances. Being thankful for your family, friends, and your personal relationship with God helps you feel good!
Wo!, I feel good! I knew that I would! I got YOU!

Monday, August 15, 2016

Precious Memory

by Kay Heitsch
Many years ago I worked in a Memory Care Center. I found it amazing to see how the residents would come alive when they heard a song from their past.
Today's quote, "I love hearing old songs I used to love. They are like memories you can always go back to." brought this story to my mind.
Every day I would walked with a lady in a wheelchair singing some old songs from the past. Many of the songs were hymns. Soon there were several residents and very often their family members walking and singing too. Diane, one of the girls who worked at the Memory Care Center called us, "The Holy Rollers" because several of these precious people were being walked in wheelchairs.
One evening when I was about to leave Naomi, one of the residents, ask if we could sing one more song before I left.
Seeing the group in the family room, Naomi had an idea. "Why don't we get in a big circle and hold hands and sing." "Why not!" I chuckled. We gathering the wheelchair people in the circle, and the rest who could stand, took their hands. Naomi suggested we sing, "Jesus Loves Me".
I thought I was going to cry as I saw the look of peace and joy on each residents face as they sang, "Jesus Loves Me" swinging there arms to the tune.
Most of these people had no short term memory left, but they still had the 'precious memory' that Jesus loved them and remembered every word of the song, "Jesus Loves Me."

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Get Up! Get Dressed!

by Kay Heitsch
When I was a child I saw first hand what "Get up! Get dressed!" did for a person.
My mom had a sister who seemed to be sick all the time. We would go and visit and sure enough my aunt was sitting in her robe, depressed, with the shades closed.
The minute my mom walked in her house I can still hear her words, "Get up! Get dressed!" as she went around opening all the shades.
There was no arguing with my mom. My aunt knew my mom meant business. It was amazing the transformation of my aunt when she did get up and get dressed and allowed the light to shine in her house. The rest of the day was filled with lots of laughter telling old stories and jokes! I can still remember some! 
Today's quote reminded me of this "No matter how you feel. Get up, get dressed, show up and never give up."
I learned so much from watching how getting up and getting dressed can really help a person. When we show up and never give up we're helping ourselves and others too.

Saturday, August 13, 2016

It Is What It Is

by Kay Heitsch
Today's quote really spoke to me. "Life is not always the way we think it should be. It is what it is! The way we cope with it, is what makes the difference."
There's an email that's gone around for years that read. "I'll be happy when...
When life is not the way I think it should be I've started to say, "It is what it is." If there is something I can do, fine. If things aren't changing, then I know I can pray for strength to endure and have patience. Keeping a good attitude will be of benefit to me as well as others. It is what it is. I want to be filled with joy! (see Colossians 1:11 NLT)
It is what it is...I pray to cope in life with a good attitude, because I know, that will make a big difference.

Friday, August 12, 2016

Yay Dover!

by Kay Heitsch
Yesterday when I came in Planet Fitness Eric, one the staff members, was there. Eric had called me a week ago to let me know they missed me. I gave him a big hug and thanked him for his call and told him how happy it made me.
Later Eric and I were talking. I found out that he actually lived in Dover, Ohio years ago. Wow! I saw this as a opportunity to share with him some of the sad and wonderful things that happened to me while living there.
I hadn't given any staff members the story, "In Loving Memory of Todd" but since Eric had lived in Dover I thought I would. He asked if he could pass it around. Of course, I said, "Yes, please do!"
I have been blessed with many wonderful people in my life. Who knew another Dover friend was here in Michigan and I didn't even know it!

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Do Not Fear Bad News

by Kay Heitsch
Wow, wouldn't it be awesome to never fear bad news? I have loved this Bible text ever since I read it, "They do not fear bad news, they confidently trust the Lord to care for them." Psalm 112:7 NLT
How much time have I spent wondering what might happen and actually fearing bad news. I didn't know I didn't have to fear if I would confidently trust the Lord to care for me.
Today I found this quote, "Blessed is the person who trusts in the Lord. Whose hope and joy are found in Him. They will receive strength to face each day with courage and peace."
We will be blessed with strength and be full of hope and joy to face each day. We will have courage and peace when we 'confidently' trust in God to care for us. I want to live like this!

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

New Treadmill

by Kay Heitsch

I normally use the same treadmills at Planet Fitness. But today I decided to use a different one. A young guy was next to me and we started to chat. To make a long story short this guy's name was Todd and he was the same age as our Todd. Plus, he had a son who was born on February 6th the day our Todd died.
We had quite a conversation. I gave him the story, "In Loving Memory of Todd." I look forward to seeing him again!
I know this was no accident I used a different treadmill because no one was even using my normal one.

Not Even Smell Like Smoke

by Kay Heitsch
Wouldn't it be great to be able to endure a difficult situation and keep a good attitude about it?
I love today's quote, "Don't pray for an easy life, pray for the strength to endure a difficult one." I might add, "With a good attitude." What a wonderful way to live!
Anyone who knows me very well knows I've been through some difficult situations. I will be honest and say I haven't always endure with a good attitude.
I have highlighted with stars around this text, "Not a hair on their heads was singed, and their clothing was not scorched. They didn't even smell of smoke!" Daniel 3:27 This was referring to Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-nego who were thrown in a furnace for their faith. When they came out they didn't even smell like smoke! WOW!
I may never actually be thrown in a blazing furnace like them, but I've felt like some things I've gone through were pretty hot! I want to live in such a way that no matter how hot the furnace gets I can come out of it and "Not Even Smell Like Smoke!"

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Life Happens

by Kay Heitsch
Life happens to all of us. When I say "life happens" I mean things in life we don't like or want to deal with.
I know some people want to believe they can pray things away. I believe in prayer, but I know from experience that some things are not prayed away. Prayer give me strength when 'life happens.'
Some people seem to enjoy being a Victim, When 'life happens' they enjoy having a pity party and invite anyone who will join in, to come.
Some people get angry at God when 'life happens.' Somehow they think nothing bad is ever suppose to happen to them. When it does, it's God's fault.
I try to live my life in a positive way expecting good things to happen. But in reality not everything in every day is good. But I've found that there is something good in everyday.
Yep, 'life happens' to all of us. How we choose to deal with it is our choice. I choose to be a Victor not a Victim.

Monday, August 8, 2016

Short, Simple & To The Point

by Kay Heitsch
Do you really believe that God can make the very worst things that ever happened in your life work for your very best? I posted a quote today that more or less said God could.
Quite honestly, this seems next to impossible. The Bible states, "Humanly speaking, it is impossible. But with God everything is possible." Matthew 19:26
After I post a quote I try to think of a Bible verse that will back it up. I found Romans 8:28 today to go with the quote. It states that God can cause all things to work together for good.
Years ago I was searching for answers. As I read the Bible I could see that all of my questions were answered in this book. I like quotes because they are usually short and to the point. I found that Bible verses very often are the same way. Think of all the volumes of books written about our thinking. The short Bible verse Proverbs 23:7 says, "As a man thinks so is he." Short and to the point!
Quotes and Bible verses have helped me all through my life. I like things short, simple, and to the point. Quotes and Bible verses are both.

Saturday, August 6, 2016

The Race Is On

by Kay Heitsch
Since the Olympics are starting I have competing and racing on my mind. I've been in a few races in my life. I must say that I didn't finished first in all of time I did. However, most times I was very happy to just finished the race.
We all have different abilities and talents. Not everyone can be #1, but I think it's as important to not quit and finish what we start. I tried to instill that in my children as my mom instilled that in me.
It's easy to give up and not finish something, but like one of my favorite poems says, "Don't Quit!" I've seen some people really struggle to cross the finish line. But what elation when they did! The crowd CHEERED to see the effort they put in.
The Bible says we are surrounded by onlookers , "Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down,...And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us." Hebrews 12:1
"The race is on." I want to finish my course with JOY!

Friday, August 5, 2016

Blessings In Disguise

by Kay Heitsch
It's hard to see the hardships and problems we go through as 'blessings in disguise.' But many times they are.
How many times have I heard a story of someone stopped in traffic or held up for a time, only to find that there was a bad storm up ahead they were spared from. This happened to my husband, Bill.
I've known people who have fallen for some reason. As they had some X-rays taken because of the fall, they found out something more serious was going on unknown to them. Now they were able to catch it in time.
I was held up by a slow moving train one time. I wrote a story about it called, "Perfect Timing" that was published. I was frustrated at the time sitting for what I thought was no blessing. However, it turned into a 'blessing in disguise' for not only myself, but for someone else as well.
I'm certain that there are many situations we go through that are actually "Blessings In Disguise." I'm going to keep this in mind today as I go about my day.

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Happy 98th Birthday Arlene

by Kay Heitsch
This week I stopped over to visit Arlene in the nursing home. Arlene informed me that she was going to be taking a trip up north to spend her 98th birthday with her son.
We talked about several things as we always do. One thing that really struck me was when she said, "One thing I'm really thankful for is that I can get up and go to the bathroom on my own." How often have I gotten up to go to the bathroom at night and never thought about being thankful that I could?
I'm happy Arlene is doing well for being 98 years old! She has been a wonderful friend and has taught me to be thankful for every day things.

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

A New Friend

by Kay Heitsch
Yesterday while waiting in a waiting room to have a test done I met a lady. Right away we seemed to connect. It wasn't long before we started to talk about life.
We both have been through some tough life experiences and now we both were waiting and sharing how we got through them.
Everyone in the packed waiting room seemed to be listening when I said, "You know being a Christian doesn't mean we won't go through hard times. "In the world we will have trouble!" But we can "be of good cheer" because we have the Lord to be with us and see us through. Kenneika totally agreed and shared how praising the Lord in hard times had really helped her instead of complaining.
I found out that Kenneika also was a member at Planet Fitness. We plan to meet up there one of these days. I made a new friend while waiting. I'm sure it was prearranged! 

The Waiting Game

by Kay Heitsch
I don't know about you, but waiting can be hard for me to do at times. I don't mind waiting in line because I usually make a new friend in the process. I've found some things are easier to wait for than others.
Really it doesn't do any good to get upset when you have to wait. Waiting is a part of life. Everything takes time. When you plant something you put the seed in the ground. Then you WAIT! After a good long time comes the harvest.
I'm waiting now for a number of things. Some seem more urgent to know the answers to than others. But I still have to wait!
While I'm waiting I hope to be patient and keep a good attitude. I know from the past that getting upset and worrying doesn't do any good. I'm going to see waiting as a game. I hope to win at this "Waiting Game" with a good attitude.

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Take Your Medicine

by Kay Heitsch
Today's quote, "Every time you are able to find some humor in a difficult situation, you win!" I have to say I am blessed to be able to find humor in difficult situations.
This ability to find humor in a difficult situation started when I was very young. I grew up with an alcoholic dad. There were many times if I hadn't had a sense of humor I don't know where I'd be.

Life is tough sometimes, but when you can laugh at the craziness of it all, you win.
Keeping a good sense of humor is a true blessing I have taken for granted many times. Today I'm going to look for ways to find humor as I go about my day.
It's good to laugh according to the Bible. It says, "A cheerful heart is good medicine." I'm going to take that 'medicine' today and I pray every day!

Monday, August 1, 2016

Why Me?

by Kay Heitsch
Have you ever asked yourself, "Why me?" when things go wrong? I think it's natural to feel like asking this question. Life can be hard at times.
When Todd died in the car accident I was tempted to ask, "Why?" I had been reading Dr Peale's books and he made a statement that helped me. He said something like, Don't ask why, but what can I do now with God's help. This has helped me a lot to not ask 'why me' when problems come.

I don't understand at times why things happen as they do. But to be honest I've never felt peaceful or happy asking, "Why?"
Part of today's quote said, "Problem free life never makes a strong person." In this world we live in we need to be strong. So instead of asking, "Why me?" I'm going to try to have a better understanding that 'problems' can make a strong person. Problems can either make you or break you. The choice is ours.
I want to be strong in my journey through life. So I hope to see problems as a way to help me grow stronger with God's help.