Friday, May 27, 2016

Joyful Hope

by Kay Heitsch
When a person has 'hope' they have joy.
It's funny how we can get an idea in our minds of what we may enjoy doing in the future and feel joyful in our hope.
My dad had cancer but he was forever talking about, "When I go to Alaska..." He was never going to go to Alaska, but just hoping of going there gave him joy.
I've found that sometimes the thought about doing something is even more fun than doing it.
Today's Bible verse, "Let your hope keep you joyful..Romans 12:12 GNT is something I'm going to put into practice. I saw first hand how this verse was true for my dad.

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Little Things

by Kay Heitsch
When I look back on my life it truly was the little things that were the big things. As today's quote says, "Enjoy the little things in life... Because one day you'll look back and realize they were the big things."
It's funny when we get together with family and friends we recall some 'little thing' that happened years before that made us smile.
My dad always liked to tell me how I didn't like gravy when I was little, until one day I tasted it. Dad would laugh telling how I asked, "Why didn't you tell me gravy was so good?" I heard that story until he died. Now Bill likes to tell the same story about me.
We like to tell the story about Todd putting on his first pair of big boy underwear. He put his little hand in the front and announced, "Well, it's not a pocket!"
When Shannon was about 4 she was standing on a stool in the bathroom putting on make up. Bill saw her and asked what she was doing. In a sweet little voice she answered, "Don't ya know Dad I'm just trying to be a woman!"
Brandon and I were alone one night when he was little. We heard a noise in the house. Brandon yelled, "I have a bat and I was almost on the All Star Team! Now you know that would scare any intruder off!
It's little things we remember in life that end up being big things. So today enjoy the little things this day may bring.

Thursday, May 19, 2016

I Have A Right!

by Kay Heitsch
For many years I lived with the attitude, I have a right to be negative; look at what I've been through. I was negative because 'I have a right' to be this way. Who wouldn't?
I struggled along with this attitude for many years. As a result I was very cold and hard. Quite honestly, I never cried until Todd died. I had built a huge wall around myself.
I remember when I moved into a new neighborhood someone tried to befriend me. I made it very clear that I wasn't going to be there long so don't try to be friends. I don't need people in my life.
Somehow I knew I needed help. I started reading books by Dr. Peale. He told stories about people who had been through hard times too, but they had a different attitude than I had. Dr. Peale showed by Bible verses how and why. I was so intrigued I bought myself a Bible.
One day I came on the verse "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly." John 10:10. Right then a thought came to my mind, "Kay, you 'have a right' to be positive and happy. I died to give you that right!
Now I still say, "I have a right" but it's different than it was years ago. I know by God's help, 'I have a right' to be happy and positive right now no matter what's going on.


by Kay Heitsch
This may come as a surprise to some of you. But I was asked to leave one high school because I had a "bad attitude."
I look back on my life and I think of how far I've come after giving my life to the Lord.
I had never read or heard anyone talk about attitude until I started to read Dr. Peale's books years ago. Too bad I didn't get a hold of any of them in high school.
If someone ticked me off it was because of them that I had a bad attitude. If they had treated me right I wouldn't have this attitude, was my thinking. My attitude and happiness was the result of how others acted. How ridiculous!
I had to learn I was in control of my own thinking and attitude. It wasn't someone else's job to keep my happy.
As many of you know I was given a national award for "Positive Thinking" by Dr. Peale and his organization. I smile when I see the Lord's sense of humor. He took a girl who was kicked out of school for a "bad attitude" and changed her, by His grace, that she was given an award for "positive thinking."
As today's quote by Zig Ziglar says, Your attitude, not your aptitude, will determine your altitude.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Thrive Not Just Survive

by Kay Heitsch
When I made up my mind to be a Christian I also decided to go at it with all my heart. I'd read about Christians who had actually given their all to 'living the life' and I wanted what they had. I wanted this overcoming/abundant life that Jesus died to give me. (see John 10:10)
Many times we may want what someone else has, but we are not willing to do what they have done to get it.
I learned I wasn't going to achieve this life by sitting in a pew once a week. If I wanted to 'thrive' like these people did I had to make a commitment to fill my mind with things that would encourage me to grow.
I loved the quote today from, Make Up Your Mind quotes, "Make up your mind that no matter what comes your way, no matter how difficult, no matter how unfair, you will do more than simply survive, you will thrive!"
I had to make up my mind to 'thrive' and not just 'survive' many times over the years. I had to put into practice what I learned from studying the Bible and also reading good books.
I want to thrive and not just survive in life. I may not be where I need to be, but thank God I've made up my mind to thrive and not just survive with God's help.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Too Far Under

by Kay Heitsch
On this date many years ago I had a phone call that was shocking. I answered the phone and heard the voice of a doctor who had done surgery on my Mom. He was calling to let me know how things went. The doctor said the surgery went well, but they could not bring her to in the recovery room.
Mom had gone into the hospital for a 'simple' gall bladder surgery. She had decided to go in a week earlier to have a complete checkup. She called and told me that the doctor had said she was in the condition of an 18 year old. She was overjoyed to hear those results. Mom asked that since she wanted to see Todd, who was a baby, for us to come to visit after the surgery when she was back home. We lived in another state at the time.
So on May 17, 1973 I certainly wasn't planning to hear that she had died. I asked how this had happened when she was in supposedly wonderful health. The doctor said the anesthesiologist had put her too far under. He said he had given her the normal amount, but it was too much for her.
I am thinking about my Mom today. She had always said she wanted to die in her sleep. Well, Mom you did! Not the way you had planned though.
I'm going to choose to make it a great day in loving memory of Mom. I hope each person reading this will too. 

Monday, May 16, 2016

"Don't Put God In A Box!"

by Kay Heitsch
Don't put God in a box! Does that sound like a funny thing to say? Maybe it does, but I've had to tell myself that on several occasions.
I don't know if other people are like me, but sometimes I get an idea in my head of how I think God is going to work in a certain situation. Boy, have I been surprised and also disappointed when He doesn't work things out the way I had it in my mind. I have to remind myself, "Don't put God in a box." His ways are not our ways. (see Isaiah 55:8) 
Years ago when Brandon was a little guy he began to stutter after Todd died. It was heart breaking to listen to him. I prayed, of course, about the situation. I began to have thoughts to bury a dead decaying bird we saw on our daily walks. It seemed too weird and I couldn't believe this would be God's idea. However, since I couldn't get the thought out of my head I had Brandon help me and we did bury the bird. Much to my shock and delight the next morning he was not stuttering. I later learned that when a person starts to stutter, out of the blue, there is usually an underlying reason why. Brandon didn't understand death. Somehow the way I explained it, while burying the bird, it settled something in Brandon's mind.
I've learned many things from this situation. God still works miracles!  When something seems odd to me, it just might be a God idea. But the biggest thing I learned has been,  "Don't put God in a box!" 

Words Have Power

by Kay Heitsch
"Speak when you are angry and you'll make the best speech you will ever regret." Leaving unsaid the wrong words in the tempting moment can be very difficult. But it's well worth the effort.
I'm a talker. Over the years I've said many things I wished I hadn't. I'm sure that's true of most talkers. It's easy for us to talk before we think.
I need to be reminded often that "Words Have Power." Not only can they hurt another person, but they can also be helpful.
Usually our thoughts precede our words. So it's important to think about what you're thinking.
For years I attended a church where the pastor said, "Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O LORD, my rock and my redeemer."
At the time I didn't pay much attention to this Bible verse, but I see now how important that text is for our everyday life... because "Words Have Power."

Sunday, May 15, 2016

When Life Gets Hard

by Kay Heitsch
What can we do when life gets hard?
I'm certainly not an expert on this subject, but I've been through a few situations that have been hard. I can't say I've handled them all in a positive way. I've had to learn from doing it wrong.
One of the first things I do that's positive is to remember how the Lord has helped me in the past. I bring to mind certain situations like "bury the bird" and I smile at how God used a dead bird to work a miracle in that situation.
I do my best not to ask, "Why is this happening to me?" I try to think, "Now what should I do with God's help." I do what I can and trust God to do what I can't.
Another thing I do is to thank God that He is working in my situation. He knows all the details better than I do. When I pray like this I don't get caught up in thinking about the negative situation. If I let my mind go down that negative road I feel bad even though I'm praying.
I fill my mind with Bible verses that encourage me. Here are a few I use.
And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28
Trust in the LORD with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Proverb 3:5
Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Philippians 4:6
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13
This is the day which the LORD has made; Let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24
Has everything in my life turned out the way I thought it would? No, it hasn't. But I have learned that in all things God can work for good when I trust in him and I don't depend on my own understanding. When I pray and don't worry that relieves the stress. Knowing that Christ will give me the strength to do anything I need to do with His help empowers me. And finally, I can choose to be happy because the Lord has given me this day to rejoice and be glad in it.

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Faithful Love Remains

by Kay Heitsch
What an eye opener it was when I began to see that many things in the Bible can have different meanings at different times. When I read, "For the word of God is alive and active..." Hebrews 4:12 I didn't understand at first.
Today's Bible verse, "For the mountains may move and the hills disappear, but even then my faithful love for you shall remain." Isaiah 54:10 brought this to my mind.
Years ago when I read this verse I would have thought of real mountains and hills, which would be true. God's love is faithful even if we have lived through an earthquake.
But it's much more than that for me. Now I read this and think about God's faithful love when I've had a mountain or even a hill of trouble. For me a mountain is the death of a loved one, a loss of a job, dealing with a major illness, etc etc. A hill is the daily aggravations of everyday life.
No matter if it's a mountain or a hill we can know that God's faithful love will remain.

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Perfect Conditions

by Kay Heitsch
Today's quote, "If you wait for perfect conditions you'll never get anything done." I found on Exercise Quotes. When I read it I was reminded of joining Valley Tan and Fitness years ago.
I had been to the dentist and my whole mouth was numb. As I came on the exit where Valley Tan and Fitness was located I thought about stopping and checking it out. It seemed crazy because I could hardly talk. The conditions were not perfect, but I stopped and joined.
This was one of the best things I could have done. I met some wonderful life long friends there like Bonnie Jones and Sheila Moore. We've had some fun times together.
There's a saying that goes something like this, If you want to do something you'll find the time to do it. If you don't you'll find an excuse. That is so true!
I had several good excuses that day not to stop and join. Today I'm thankful I didn't use an excuse or wait for the conditions to be perfect or I would not have these two wonderful friends in my life.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

I'm Still Waiting

 by Kay Heitsch
I thought you would walk back in the same door you walked out of. I'm still waiting. In reality, I knew that wasn't going to happen, but I still waited.
If you've ever had a loved one die you may have experienced this same feeling.
I never went to any grief groups, but I can't imagine I'm the only person who has had this experience.
It's not easy to let go and admit to yourself that your loved one isn't coming back. Wrapping your mind around the thought is hard. Especially when you want to wrap your arms around the person one more time.
If you need to move from the house where the person once lived, it's difficult. After all, you are still waiting for the day to come when the person walks back through the door. But you move on because deep in your heart you know they aren't walking back through that door.
I'm still waiting, believe it or not. I know one day a door in heaven will open and there you will be smiling once again. I can wrap my mind around that thought. I can also see my arms wrapped around you too.
I'm still waiting!

Monday, May 9, 2016

The Price of Love

by Kay Heitsch
Mother's Day can be a difficult time for mom's who have had a child die. You may have other children that you love dearly, but there's a piece of your heart that's still been torn out. Not everyone can understand.
People like to tell you that time heals. Well, that's not true. Time does not heal a mother's broken heart. What time does is help you learn to live with the pain.
I programmed into my mind years ago, "You can be bitter or better, but you can't be both." I wanted so much to be better and I wanted people to think of Todd and myself in a positive way.
Today's quote, "The sky isn't always blue. The sun doesn't always shine. So it's okay to fall apart sometimes, but always remember to get back up again." hit home for me today.
I've felt the words of 2 Corinthians 4, "press by trouble, but not crushed, knocked down but not destroyed" It's the 'price of love' to sometimes feel this way. I tell myself, "That's okay, but remember to get up, dust yourself off, and make it a great day. That is also the PRICE OF LOVE."

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

There Is A Time

by Kay Heitsch
Have you ever been involved with some thing or someone thinking you would be involved forever? I have several times. It's taken me years to understand that some things and some people were to be in my life only for a certain time.
If I believe I'm suppose to do something I'm bound and determined to do it. If it's the right time I'm usually happy doing it! It's been difficult for me to learn that while something may have been a wonderful thing for me to do at the time I did it, at another time, it is not for me at all. There's a quote, "When you discover you are riding a dead horse, the best strategy is to dismount. How true that is.
I like to help people who I believe need help. Not all people who say they need help, really do. Some people are manipulators and controllers. They not only do not need my help, but they need to help themselves. I've found that not helping was really the more beneficial thing for them. This type of person does not like it when you tell them, "No." But I've learned for my own mental health it's best to keep my distance. At some time helping them was a wonderful thing for me to do. But at another it was not.
I've had people come and go in my life. They were there for a time, then for some reason or another, they were not. I've had to learn that not all people are meant to be in my life for a lifetime.
There is a time for everything according to Ecclesiastes 3. It's taken me a long time to learn this. However, since I have my life is a lot less stressful.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Never Apologize

by Kay Heitsch
I've met some very interesting people in my life. It's amazing how what one person says will catch my attention.
One day recently at Planet Fitness I was talking with John who had been a trainer in the Air Force. We were talking about fitness and health when he said, "Never apologize for taking care of your health."
Some people don't realize how important taking care of their health is until it's gone. I've said to many people when they question why I exercise at Planet Fitness this statement, "I'd rather maintain my health than try to regain it."
I not only work on my physical health, but my spiritual and mental health as well. Over the years I had been lax at all of these. It's no picnic having the deal with the consequences.
Maintaining my health requires saying, "No" to some things and people. Not everyone is happy to hear "No" but it's important to take care of myself so I can be strong in order to finish my course with JOY!

Monday, May 2, 2016

Different Stokes for Different Folks

by Kay Heitsch

Isn't it interesting how people are? I've been a 'people watcher' my whole life. I'm fascinated by people.
Since we are all unique, and no two of us are exactly alike, it's funny how people seem to want to be like other people. Or they want other people to be like them.
I've felt that I was quite accepting of others. Long before it was 'cool' to have friends of other races, I did. Some people didn't like this about me, but I didn't care. I went out of my way to accept people who were not like other people too.
When I became a Christian I noticed that not all people come into a relationship with the Lord the same way. I was introduced to Jesus Christ through reading books by Norman V. Peale. Dr. Peale's books showed what a personal relationship with the Lord looked like. I wanted to live my life in this relationship.Other people I know have been introduced to the Lord though Billy Graham, Joyce Meyer, Joel Osteen, Charles Stanley, or some other Christian.
Since we are not all alike I've noticed how God uses different types of people with totally different styles to bring people into a personal relationship with Him.
It's not about "religion" or denomination for me, but about a personal relationship with the Lord that matters. How or by whom we are introduced to Him doesn't matter. We are all unique and God uses different people in different ways.
I'm very thankful that Dr Peale was for people like me. God used his unique style to speak to my heart. Not everyone liked Dr. Peale. I was sternly criticized by other Christians. This made me very sad, but I knew that my life was changed after Dr. Peale introduced me to the Lord. It hurt to have Christians think this way about Dr. Peale and me, but I knew my heart. I knew how my thinking and life had changed. Only the Lord, through a personal relationship with Him, could have done this.
Different stokes for different folks has been a phase that has helped me be more accepting of the way God uses people. I may not understand why some people don't like who I like, but that's okay. Because different stokes for different folks.

Just Be Yourself

by Kay Heitsch
"Just be yourself" was the best advice I ever received.
Like many teenagers I had people who were talking negative about me. If it wasn't one thing they didn't like, it was another. As I shared with my aunt she said, "Just be yourself!"
I knew I wasn't like other people. Actually I didn't care, but somehow I needed someone to tell me it was alright to, "Just be yourself."
I think this advice has made me a stronger person. Like everyone I do want people to like me, but I still feel free to be myself. If people can accept me for me, yippy! But if they don't, I know according to Psalm 139:141, God created me "wonderfully complex" just like everyone else.