Monday, May 16, 2016

"Don't Put God In A Box!"

by Kay Heitsch
Don't put God in a box! Does that sound like a funny thing to say? Maybe it does, but I've had to tell myself that on several occasions.
I don't know if other people are like me, but sometimes I get an idea in my head of how I think God is going to work in a certain situation. Boy, have I been surprised and also disappointed when He doesn't work things out the way I had it in my mind. I have to remind myself, "Don't put God in a box." His ways are not our ways. (see Isaiah 55:8) 
Years ago when Brandon was a little guy he began to stutter after Todd died. It was heart breaking to listen to him. I prayed, of course, about the situation. I began to have thoughts to bury a dead decaying bird we saw on our daily walks. It seemed too weird and I couldn't believe this would be God's idea. However, since I couldn't get the thought out of my head I had Brandon help me and we did bury the bird. Much to my shock and delight the next morning he was not stuttering. I later learned that when a person starts to stutter, out of the blue, there is usually an underlying reason why. Brandon didn't understand death. Somehow the way I explained it, while burying the bird, it settled something in Brandon's mind.
I've learned many things from this situation. God still works miracles!  When something seems odd to me, it just might be a God idea. But the biggest thing I learned has been,  "Don't put God in a box!" 

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