Thursday, April 21, 2016

Shine On

by Kay Heitsch
I've known people who 'Shine'. There was something about them that just glowed.
Today's quote gave me some insight into one reason they seemed to shine. "When you start each day with a grateful heart, light illuminates from within."
I can honestly say that each of the people I know who 'shine' are people who are grateful.
I know people who are just the opposite too. They seemed to have a dark cloud over their heads. When I've spent any time with them they do not seem to be thankful people.
I want to "Shine On". Today I've learned that being grateful is another way to do that.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

What Do I Take For Granted?

by Kay Heitsch
Have you ever thought about all the things you take for granted?
Over the years I've met people who have lost the ability to do the things I just take for granted.
Bill's Grandma Z lost the ability to see and walk. I do these things everyday and never give it a thought.
My Aunt Ruth could not eat because of a stroke. As a result she was fed through a tube in her stomach. Another thing she could not do is talk. I have no problem doing both.
My Dad could not breathe on his own. He had to be hooked up to an oxygen tank.
I'm sure we can all think of many things we can do that others have lost the ability to do.
Today I'm going to stop and think of things I take for granted that deserve my gratitude.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Remember The Good

by Kay Heitsch
"Be thankful for all the troubles you don't have." makes for a much happier day.
Isn't it funny how our minds tend to go to the negative? We think about all the problems we have and roll them over and over in our minds. Then we wonder why we feel down.
We all have so much to be thankful for. I know I need to think about those things and do my part to remember things I'm thankful for. I'm sure when I do I'll feel happier by doing it.

Change Me

by Kay Heitsch
"Two of the most important words I can utter in my prayer time, CHANGE ME!"
Over the years I've wanted God to change other people or change my circumstances so I could be happier. I hadn't ever thought about God changing me.
Later in life, much to my surprise, I came to this understanding. Maybe I needed to change. Maybe God wanted to change me and my attitude more than He was interested in changing others and my circumstances to keep me happy.
Once I started to pray, "God change me." I started to enjoy life more. My happiness didn't depend on people or my circumstances. If things never changed I was somehow still going to enjoy my life because slowly God was changing me.
The day I gave my life to the Lord I said, "God, you know what you're gettin' when you got me. Have at it!" God had His work cut out, but I was no surprise to God! When I said, "Have at it!" I guess I was really saying, Change me!
I may not be where I need to be , but at least I'm not where I used to be. I'm pressin' on!

Common Things

by Kay Heitsch
"The art of being happy lies in the power of extracting happiness from common things."
Right before Todd died he ask me something I will never forget. He asked, "Mom, have you ever noticed the beauty of the bark on trees? Every tree's bark has a different kind of texture." I remember I gave him a quizzical look and answered, "No, I have never noticed."
It's odd, but from that day on I started to look at common things in a different way.
People asked me why Todd was so happy. I knew part of his happiness came from the way he thought, but today when I read this post on Pinterest I realized it was the way he looked at common things too.

The Game

by Kay Heitsch
Today I heard a story about the game Monopoly. I remembered playing the game many times in my life. Sometimes it was fun and sometimes it was not. Very much like life! It's not always fun!
We all gather around the table and set the board up. Someone is the banker and they hand out the money. As the game goes on we can buy and sell property. It's a great feeling to own Boardwalk, Park Place and to trade in those tiny green houses for red hotels. Since the hotels were red you know that's what I wanted.
As the game goes on it's fun if you're the one buying the red hotels and winning the game. But the game comes to an end at some point. It isn't very long and it's time to put the game away. As the story I heard this morning was told, the game ends, and it all goes back in the box.
How true that is in life. It doesn't really matter how much stuff we accumulate in life, because in the end, it all goes back in the box. Life is much more than stuff. We have no idea when the game will end. It may be today for all we know.
I've learned a few things over the years. I know it's not stuff I'll take with me when the game is over. Three things will last forever--faith, hope, and love--and the greatest of these is love. 1 Corinthians 13:13

Finish My Course with Joy!

by Kay Heitsch
It isn't always easy to deal with things in life with a good attitude. Boy, do I know that! But I want to finish my course with joy! Acts 20:25
Today I heard a message that helped me feel even more enthusiastic about being able to do that. There were several points that I want to keep fresh in my mind. I hope you won't mind if I share them with you.
1. I need to preset my mind for victory. I like the Bible text "Set your mind and keep it set." Colossians 3:2 ( I want to finish my course with joy!)
2. There will be pain! Oh no! Yep, the pain of discipline or regret. I can feel the pain of disciplining myself or regret that I didn't. (exercise, food, or attitude. to name a few)
3. I may need to zip my lip. "Drop it, leave it, let it go" Mark 11:25 AMP I like, "What you don't feed...dies." Stop thinking and talking about something that's not helping me to, "Finish my course with joy."
4. Oh freedom! Being able to be happy when things don't go my way. Now that's freedom!
5. Now this is really #1. Put God first and depend on Him to help me. Because I want to, "Finish my course with JOY!"

No Greater Love

by Kay Heitsch
Today I posted my latest coloring page on facebook with the text, "There is no greater love than to lay down one's life for one's friends." John 15:13 As strange as this may seem, this text changed my life forever.
I hadn't even picked up a Bible in over 20 years when I came on this text. A young friend had called asking me a question I could not answer. That's when I found a Bible and prayed in my heart for an answer.
I opened the Bible and this is the text that I read. It hit me right away! Somehow I knew this was the answer to her question...and it was!
From reading this text I started to see that the Bible could actually speak to any need I had. It became alive to me that day and it has from that day on.
Do I know the actual intent of this text and what it REALLY meant when it was written? Yes, I do. Jesus laid down His life for us! But if you think about it in our everyday life, anyone who lays down their life for another person give them a great gift.
I am thankful that I was guided to this text many, many, years ago. It opened my eyes in a way that has changed my thinking and my life forever.


by Kay Heitsch
"Worrying is a total waste of time. It doesn't change anything. All it does is steal your joy and keeps you very busy doing nothing."
I was a BIG time worrier. I said I couldn't help it; because it was just the way I was. Plus, I had plenty of things to worry about.
When I became a Christian I bought a Good News Bible. I asked the Lord to teach me what I needed to learn. I bought some colored pencils and started to highlight what was standing out and getting my attention.
Guess what? At first almost everything I highlighted was about not worrying. This made me smile because I knew God had my number. Later I read that there are 365 text about not worrying in the Bible. So I knew I wasn't the only one with the problem.
After reading in the Bible that worrying was something God didn't want for me for my own good, I worked on not worrying. But it was a bad habit and I didn't seem to know how to break it. Plus, I didn't know God well enough to be sure I could really trust Him.
A few years down the road I started to attend a church. I'd heard about Lent, but it wasn't something I knew anything about. I knew people who told me they gave up chocolate or some other thing for Lent, but that's all I knew.
One Sunday before Easter the pastor asked people to write down what they wanted to give up for Lent. I wrote down, "Worrying."
From that day on things started to change. I became serious, and I mean serious, about not worrying. Every time a worry thought came to my mind I'd pray, "Thank you Lord for working on this situation." Then I'd drop it, leave it, let it go!
I won't say that 'worry thoughts' don't come to my mind because they do. But I've learned to say, "Thank you Lord for working on this situation."
Truthfully, giving up worrying has helped not only my mental health, but my physical health as well.

Shoveling Snow

by Kay Heitsch
I know some people wonder what in the world is a 5' 1" almost 66 year old woman doing shoveling snow. I wonder that too sometimes.
For the most part I like being outside. Doing work like shoveling or mowing in the warmer months, gives me a reason to be outside.
I've found I can enjoy doing both IF I keep a positive attitude. By keeping a positive attitude I mean thinking of good reasons why I'm enjoying doing this work. I think, I'm burning calories! This helps my heart and muscles! Being out here gives me time to think good thoughts. I love to see the snow sparkling and the beauty of the white snow. I wave at people passing by.
I know I can not allow myself to even start to do down the road of negative thinking. I know if I do I will feel unhappy and the job will be nothing but misery. Why would I want to do that?
My Bible text Matthew 11:28 & 29 today had the words, "learn from Me" in it. If I really want to keep a good attitude while shoveling or mowing I need to think about how Jesus handled life. I leaned one BIG thing that when he was under stress He kept his mouth shut! I don't know, but I bet He didn't allow negative thoughts to fill his mind either. He stopped to help others. This has helped me too.
It snowed a lot more last night, but I see the sun trying to shine. I'll be out once again today. I ran out of gas in the snowblower yesterday, but I have more. I'll fill the tank up, but if it's windy I'll just use little RED.

Grateful Thoughts

by Kay Heitsch
When I saw this morning's quote, "Being grateful is the fastest way to get happy!" I knew it was for me.
On Friday I drove to Columbus for our grandson Eli's 5th birthday. I came home yesterday. It's always fun to go there and see the excited look on Noah and Eli's faces when they see me. However, it's emotional for me to leave.
Today when I got up I felt a little down. I went over on Pinterest and found this quote on being grateful. Boy, this really helped me feel happy when I thought about all of the things I have to be thankful for.
You'd think I should already know these things and I do. But sometimes, like today, I needed a reminder to think grateful thoughts because these thoughts really do help me to feel happy!


by Kay Heitsch
I seldom know what I'm going to post every morning on facebook. Today I thought about "Change." Really, I was thinking about the change of seasons from Winter to Spring. When I started to read the quotes on 'change' my thoughts went in another direction.
The following quote hit home for me. "One reason people resist change is because they focus on what they have to give up, instead of what they have to gain."
This was true for me. I knew I needed change in my life, but I was familiar with the old. We may know something isn't right, but we get used to it. We're more afraid of change and what we may need to give up than what we'll gain if we do.
I can say I have been pleasantly surprised, and I mean surprised, to find out what I've gained from 'change' has been over and above what I gave up.
I can't say I've changed myself, but I can say that as I've allowed God to change me, it's been for the better, by far. My thoughts have changed for the positive by studying the Bible. I never knew, until I started to study it, what a life changing book it was. The Bible instructs a person on how to have a positive, abundant life, right here on earth.
When I started to study the Bible I was afraid of what I may need to give up. I was surprised that the very things I was instructed to give up like, worry, anger, hate, unforgiveness, etc etc, were the very things that kept me from a great life.
Change can be a beautiful thing. Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over it became a butterfly.


by Kay Heitsch
When I put the quote on about life today I thought about a poem I heard many years ago. It went something like this. Only one life it will soon be past. Only what's done for Christ will last.
I think this poem may have a point. "Only one life it will soon be past." Our life here is but a breathe according to the Bible. Here today and gone tomorrow. We never know when our last day may be. I sure didn't know the day Todd (16) walked out the back door that it was his last. Life can happen very quickly.
Now the line, "Only what's done for Christ will last." I believe this is also true. The Bible talks about casting our crowns before Him when we get to Heaven. Why would people do that? Could it be they know that whatever good they did on this earth, they only did, by allowing Christ's Spirit to work through them?
"Life is like a coin. You can spend it anyway you wish, but you only spend it once."


by Kay Heitsch
I love today's quote, "Never put the key to your happiness in someone else's pocket." Wow, how true is that!
It's so natural for us to put the key to our happiness in someone else's or our circumstance's, pocket. We don't think of it that way, but for most of us, we do just that.
The poems, "I'll be happy when... speak volumes to this.
The key to our happiness is in our own pocket. It's not someone else's job to keep us happy.
The Bible verse I put on today, "This is the day which the LORD has made; Let us rejoice and be glad in it." Psalm 118:24 NASB is a favorite of mine.
I choose to he HAPPY today! How about you?

The Experts say...

by Kay Heitsch
Have you ever noticed that what the "Experts" say about happiness and health, that works, is already in the Bible?
"Experts" say that if you want to reduce stress you should do things that add joy to your life. The Bible says, "A joyful heart is good medicine." Proverb 17:22
"Experts" talk about our thoughts and how they effect our lives. Well, the Bible says, "As a man thinks so is he." Proverbs 23:7
When I started to study the Bible on my own I noticed these things from the very beginning. It amazed me!
What I also noticed is that these gems on living a healthy, happy, life are usually one liners in the Bible. It's all in there but you have to "seek and you shall find." Matthew 7:7.
I wrote in the front of my Bible, "If God meant for us to live life on our own, He wouldn't have given us this "Instruction Book."
I truly believe that the Bible is our "Instruction Book" for a happy life right here on earth.

The Storm

by Kay Heitsch
When I saw this quote "You can't calm the storm so stop trying. What you can do is calm yourself. The storm will pass." this morning I had to smile!
Why? Because the big snow storm that was predicted has passed us by. The little RED shovel will not need to be used today.
I had "adjusted my sails" and was going to deal with the storm with a good attitude no matter. I was thinking about all the calories I would burn. Looks like I'll be burning calories at PF today instead.
My ol' friend, Dimple would use the line, "This too shall pass." often. She wasn't referring to a snow storm, but it's good to remember when life happens. "The storm will pass."

Adjust Your Sails

by Kay Heitsch
Yesterday my neighbor Ray posted a "Winter Storm Watch" on my fb page. Looks like we'll be getting 8 more inches of snow tomorrow. That's right, the little RED shovel may be getting another workout.
At first I felt frustrated and thought about how heavy this snow was going to be because today it's suppose to be close to 60.
This morning I was looking for a quote to put on fb. I hit on, "When you can't change the direction of the wind...adjust your sails."
Pretty obvious I can't change the direction of the wind, so I'll need to adjust my sails (attitude).
I'm still learning as Paul did in Philippians 4:12 when he said, "I have learned to be content in every situation..." I may not be there yet, but I know, "I can do all things through Him who gives me the strength."
I took the "Let It Snow" plaque off of the porch. But I see it may snow anyway. I better put the birdbath back in the garage too.

Knowing and Doing

by Kay Heitsch
When I saw today's post, "Knowing is not enough; we must do..." it got my attention. Right away the Bible text, "Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. James 1:22 came to my mind.
How many times have I 'deceived myself' in life by not putting into practice what I know is the best things to do? More times than I care to count, I'm sure.
In life we reap what we sow. Galatians 6:7. Knowing what's the best to do and not doing it only hurts us.
I'm going to try and keep this thought in my mind today. I know a lot more than I give myself credit for and so do you! I don't want to go through life deceiving myself.

Walk On!

by Kay Heitsch
I was blessed to have had a good example of healthy living from my Grandpa Hays. Grandpa Hays lived to be 97 and as long as I ever remember he walked at least 5 miles a day.
Not everyone in the family was motivated by his walking, but somehow my Mom seemed to enjoy it too. Since she enjoyed walking, I did too. We walked to town for groceries and back all summer long. We walked all over town and would stop in to visit people along the way. We walked in parks and picked wild flowers. At the lake we'd walk to the A & W Root Beer stand which was quite a hike!
We've lived in several states and if you ask my neighbors they would no doubt tell you, "Kay likes to walk." Todd, Shannon, and I walked and pushed Brandon in the stroller. We'd walk to the farm across the road and feed the horse. Great memories of those walks!
Walking and even jogging over the years have been of great benefit to my physical and mental health. When Todd died I started to jog instead of walk. I'd jog a few miles then come home and throw myself in the yard and sob my eyes out. I know this may sound strange, but it was very helpful and healthy for my physical and mental health at the time.
When we moved here and I was working in Alterra I walked a lot! People wore pedometers there so someone suggested I wear one too. I was surprised how much I actually walked. I had always walked so this just made it more fun.
I'm happy to see people wearing Fitbits and Vivofits or any kind of pedometer. Keeping active and healthy, in my opinion, is one of the very best things you can do for yourself and others.
People tease me about going to Planet Fitness. I tell them I consider going there, "Health Insurance." I'd rather do what I can to keep myself healthy than to have to try to regain the health I've lost. I see people who are trying to regain their health every day at Planet Fitness.
Well, I've sat here long enough writing this so I'll get up, walk downstairs, and get the clothes out of the dryer.
Walk on and make it a great day!

Enjoying Daily Chores

by Kay Heitsch
Yesterday at Planet Fitness John said something that got my attention. He said, "Kay, the way some people view work we see as another way to exercise." You know, that is exactly how I think.
Whenever I shovel, mow, clean, or anything else that some people consider work I do view as exercise. I don't know when I started to think like this, but it has helped me enjoy my every day life more.
I don't always 'feel' like shoveling etc, but when I think of the benefits it makes it much more enjoyable. When work needs to be done I try to always think about the calories I will be burning too.
I feel great almost everyday! I attribute this to my personal time with the Lord, plus my attitude towards any kind of 'work' that I can view as exercise and the benefits I gain.
Life is short so I aim on enjoying, even everyday chores, because I know they are helping me live a healthier life.

How Was Your Day?

by Kay Heitsch
Today as a regular member of Planet Fitness was about to leave he turned around and asked, "How was your day?" I chuckled and answered, "Great as always!" He looked puzzled and replied, "How's that?"
Just then a man I had never seen before walked towards us. I noticed what was written on the front of his sweatshirt. I pointed at him. He stopped and I read the words on his sweatshirt out loud. "Got Jesus?"
I smiled and said, "There's your answer to why I have a great day everyday. I got Jesus!"
I told them I didn't always have Jesus so I know the difference in living life with or without Him. I just so happened to have some, "In Loving Memory of Todd" in my bag so I gave each one a copy.
Yes, today was another great day!

"What Did I Do Right Today?"

by Kay Heitsch
This week a Facebook friend posted, "What did I do right today?" Somehow that question got my attention. How often do I think about what I did wrong and not on what I did right?
When I posted the quote, "Count your smiles instead of your tears. Count your courage instead of your fears." I felt that went right along with Guy's quote.
I believe we could change the way we feel if we would focus on what we do right. Plus, counting our smiles and our courage. As the old song goes, "Count your blessings name them one by one."
We all do things wrong and have situations in our lives that have made us cry. Worries and fears can sap our strength. When we think about what we do right and count our smiles life is so much sweeter.
Today and I hope everyday I ask myself, "What did I do right today?"

Make Good Memories

by Kay Heitsch
"Make good memories" is a quote Bill's Grandma Z told me over the years. At the time I didn't pay that much attention, but the older I get the more I understand what she was saying.
This past weekend we met Brandon, Joe, Shannon, and the boys at an indoor water park. To be honest I am not the water park type person. But to see the joy on those little boy's faces was a memory I won't forget.
Believe it or not, I actually went down the water slides and floated down the "Lazy River." Floating down the lazy river wasn't too much of a surprise for me. However, the water slides were. One trip down I somehow let go of the handles at the end and sky rocketed out of the tube. Let's just say it was funny after it was over. LOL!
Bill and I wanted to do what Grandma Z said, "Make good memories" and I believe we did. I think Noah and Eli will always remember this one day adventure.
Life is short. I hope I remember to actually think about making good memories.

Blank Page

by Kay Heitsch
When I read the quote, "Life is an open book full of blank pages. You write the story as you go" this morning it caused me to stop and think.
I had never thought about life in this way. But honestly it's true. Each and every day is a blank page in our life's story. How we choose to live our life becomes our story.
I have no idea how this 'blank page' will be written today. I have plans on what I want to do, but I don't know who or what may come into my life that I didn't expect.
Somehow thinking about life as, "You write the story as you go", is exciting to me. I hope today how I live life on this 'blank page' is worth reading.

Abundant Life

by Kay Heitsch
Today's quote "To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people only exist." rang a bell with me.
Most of my life I was only existing. Oh, if you looked at my life you'd think I was living the "good life" but I knew I was only existing. Something was missing, but I didn't know what.
When I finally came to the end of myself I gave my life to the Lord. I remember thinking, "Have at it! You know what you're getting when you got me."
Over time I came on the Bible verse, "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly." John 10:10 ESV
I wanted this abundant life. I read about other people who actually lived this life and I aimed on living it too.
My life isn't perfect and no one's is. But I can honestly say that I don't 'only exist' like I did for years. I have found the abundant life that Jesus died to give me.

Don't Let The Sun Go Down On Your Anger

by Kay Heitsch
Last night right before I went to bed I received some news that made me feel angry. Did I have a right to feel angry? Maybe I did or maybe I didn't. No matter, I felt angry! Right away the Bible verse, "Don't let the sun go down on your anger..." Ephesians 4:26 came to my mind.
Well, the sun had already gone down and I was ticked off. Now what was I going to do? I didn't have all day to just get over it! LOL
I knew I should drop it, leave it, let it go and I wanted to, but this "feeling of anger" didn't want to die down.
I prayed and got into bed. Every time the situation came to my mind I'll replace the thought with a prayer. I knew if I "surfed" the thoughts that were coming to my mind I would only be adding more fuel to the fire.
Has anything changed in the news I received? Nope, but I'm going to put into practice, "Whenever you stand praying, if you have anything against anyone, forgive him [drop the issue, let it go],...Mark 11:25 AMP.
Today's a new day! I'm going to let the SON shine!

Take A Deep Breath

by Kay Heitsch
Seriously, take a deep breath. Can you do that? Have you ever thought about how awesome that is?
I was reminded of that this morning when I went to look for a quote to put on facebook. "The road to happiness starts with a deep breath and the awareness of the many blessings tied to that SINGLE breath."
We take so much for granted. I hadn't thought about how a single breath is a blessing.
If I couldn't take a breath and was on a ventilator, I can guarantee you, I would be very thankful to take a deep breath on my own.
Today I plan to think about things I take for granted. I've started with the ability to take a deep breath. I am blessed and thankful.

It's A Choice

by Kay Heitsch
Is being happy really a choice?
Today's quote, "Choosing to be positive and having a grateful attitude is going to determine how you're going to live your life." This quote took me back in time when I had to make this choice.
I didn't 'feel' positive back then. I don't always 'feel' positive now either. I've had, like most people, a lot of life situations that had left me angry, bitter, and as a result negative. Was it really a choice I could make to be happy after all I had been through?
Of course, the hardest blow life threw me was the sudden death of our son, Todd. It was after his death I learned I had a choice to be happy. It was my choice and no one was able to make that choice, except me.
I found the Bible text "This is the day which the LORD has made; Let us rejoice and be glad in it." Psalm 118:24 NASB I typed it out. Next to it I typed, I CHOOSE TO BE HAPPY TODAY!
Every day as I read this text over and over I started to think and act in a more positive way. This simple Bible verse actually started to change my way of thinking. My attitude began to change as I put it into practice. As a result, the way I live my life has changed too.
Choosing to be positive and having a grateful attitude has made each day happier.
Is being happy really a choice? Yes, it is!