by Kay Heitsch
This is an excellent question to ask ourselves. We find out how deep our roots are when we face life's challenges.
I don't care who you are; you will have to deal with situations in life that are uncomfortable and hard. That's just life! Even if you have a personal relationship with the LORD, you will still have difficulties.
It certainly isn't easy when we face challenges in life. But if our roots are deep in the LORD, it sure makes these difficulties easier to deal with.
I've lived both ways. I've lived only relying on myself to face life. During those years, I worried and was anxious. As a result, I felt depressed at times, not having a feeling of inner peace.
However, once I put my faith, trust, and confidence in the LORD, my attitude changed. I stopped fearing life's challenges. I don't like things to go wrong, but I don't live worried when the next bad thing happens. I've watched the LORD work, and I've seen how the LORD has worked something good out of every difficulty in my life.
This Bible verse is one of my go-to verses. "And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to His purpose for them." Romans 8:28 NLT
When our roots are deep in the LORD, we know that He will cause everything, the good, the bad, and the ugly, to work together for our good. What a way to live!
I pray I will always keep my roots and foundation in the LORD as I face life. I hope and pray you will too.