Thursday, November 3, 2022

This Will Cost You

By Kay Heitsch

I remember well the day I read these words. They made me mad!
Yes, I wanted to be happy but I didn't like the idea that it would cost me. I wanted to have an overcoming life like the people I had been reading about. But quite honestly I didn't know if I wanted to put forth the effort or do what they did to have it.
What was I going to have to do? What was I going to have to give up?
I learned I couldn't win the war without a battle. This life I wanted was going to cost.
First, I tried to have this life I wanted on my own. It worked for a while. It's amazing what pure willpower can do. But when Todd died suddenly and unexpectedly this shook me to the core. Now I needed more help than willpower could give me to be happy and live the life I wanted.
Some people may not want to hear this or do it. But I'm only telling you what has worked in my life. I gave my life totally to the Lord! I asked Him to help me live an overcoming life.
Oh, did I have to give up some things? You bet I did! I had to give up self-pity, bitterness about the unfair, unjust things that happened, the lies told about me, etc. It wasn't easy, and still isn't, but if I was going to have this life I wanted I knew it was worth it.
I have found I've gained so much more than I've given up, but it has cost me giving up the negatives to having the positives.
It also cost me giving myself to the Lord and Him giving me whatever I need to live the life I said I wanted.

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