by Kay Heitsch
Most of us know that our words have power. What we say to others and ourselves can be hurtful or helpful.
This may surprise those of you who know me now, but years ago I absolutely could not stand to exercise. Oh, I'd walk some, but not too much. I'd tell myself all the time, "I hate to exercise. I'd rather starve to stay thin than exercise!" I played these words over and over in my mind.
There came a time when I was challenged by our son, Todd, to run in a race with him. I thought it was funny at the time. This race was to happen in a year. However, when that year rolled around Todd had died.
Because of Todd's challenge, I ran one race and didn't do too well. Why? I didn't like to exercise, so I used that as my excuse not to exercise.
One day while I was out shopping I saw a cassette tape called, "Enjoy Exercise." I decided to buy it. I played it over and over. In this tape this line was repeated, "I enjoy exercise."
Well, surprise, surprise! Telling myself, "I enjoy exercise" started to change my way of thinking and living. Instead of thinking/saying, "I hate exercise. I'd rather starve to stay thin than exercise." I started to think, "I enjoy exercise!" Not to brag, but the next race I ran I won, a gold medal.
There are verses all over the Bible talking about the power of words. One is, "The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat it's fruit." Proverbs 18:21
Words Have Power! Use them wisely!
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