Thursday, June 1, 2023

Stress And Worry

By Kay Heitsch

Honestly, I can say that most of my health problems have been caused by stress and worry.
Before I was a Christian, I had no idea there were ways to deal with worry and stress. So if I had a situation I was dealing with, I would worry about it and hash it out repeatedly. The more I did this, the more anxiety I would feel. This behavior affected my health, but I didn't know it was this behavior that was causing my health problems at the time.
This worry and stress accelerated after Todd died. As a result, it caused severe stomach pain. I found myself doubled over on the floor from the pain. I felt terrible and would need to go to bed and try to relax.
Then I started to read the Bible. I was shocked at all the verses about fear and worry that were in the Bible. So I highlighted each verse I read that talked about worry or fear. I could see I wasn't supposed to live with anxiety and stress.
Some people think to worry is to show you care. I don't believe that's true! I think that's a lie! The Bible wouldn't tell us not to worry if it was good.
I later learned I have an incurable genetic condition. But, if I want to control it, there are certain things I could do to help myself. One of the biggest things was to keep stress out of my life. If I didn't, I would pay, and it isn't fun.
I'm still learning to put what I read in the Bible into practice. When I do, I feel good. Reading and knowing what it says doesn't do me any good. I have to put it into practice.
Worry and stress are not beneficial for my health, and I don't believe they are for anyone. However, I have learned that putting what the Bible says into practice has helped me in more ways than one.
I want to feel good! How long I live doesn't really matter to me. But while I'm here, feeling good is essential. So I must stay peaceful and eliminate worry and stress with God's help.

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