Tuesday, May 22, 2018

One Proud Moment

With all the talk about bullying going around, I'd like to share a proud moment on the subject.
One day our son, Todd, came home from high school and shared with me about a boy who was being bullied at school. This kid was not a friend but that didn't seem to matter to Todd. He didn't like it that this kid was being bullied.
As we stood out in the kitchen Todd told me that he had confronted the guys bullying this boy. Then he went on to say he was planning to meet them after school off school grounds. Wow! I wasn't expecting to hear that!
To make a long story short Todd did go to the designated location to meet up with these bullies. He asked a few friends to come along. I'm not sure if these boys were going to confront these guys or if they were just going for moral support. Anyway, it didn't matter! Wouldn't you know the bullies never showed up!
Todd died in a car accident not too long after the incident. He made a statement by his actions that day. It didn't matter if the person being bullied was a friend or not. Todd confronted the situation!
When we had Todd's calling hours hundreds showed up. I don't know for sure but I bet the bullies were there too. I can tell you that when Todd died he was not only loved, but he was respected too!

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