Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Remember What God Has Done

By Kay Heitsch

Remember what God has done for you. What God has done in you. What God will do for you. ~ Never Forget Quotes ~
One way to remember what God has done for us and in us and what we expect Him to do in the future is to share our stories.
When uncertain, I reflect on how much God has helped me throughout my journey. I've written things down and shared them with others. Thinking and sharing help me remember.
Our Bible verse says. I will thank the LORD with my whole heart; I will tell of all Your wonderful deeds. Psalm 9:1
Thinking back on all the LORD's wonderful deeds will help us remember what He has done for us as we tell others.
Remember what God has done for you, what God has done in you, and what God will do for you.

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