Friday, June 21, 2024

Hope Returns

By Kay Heitsch

Negative thoughts will hold you back, weigh you down, and drain your energy. Positive thoughts will give you more energy, lift you up, and set you free. Choose wisely! ~ Life Quotes ~
We have all experienced negative situations in our lives. But if we think about them, they can hold us back, weigh us down, and drain us of energy. We can choose what we dwell on, and our positive thoughts will give us energy, lift us up, and set us free.
Our Bible verses make this clear. "Just thinking of my troubles makes me miserable. Lamentations 3:19 CEV The thought of my pain is bitter poison. Lamentations 3:19 GNT: "Yet this I call to mind, and therefore I have hope: The faithful love of the LORD never ends! His mercies never cease." Lamentations 3:21&22 NLT
There we have it. Thinking negatively makes us miserable and is bitter poison. Yuck! Yet, when we think of all the times God has been faithful to us, we have hope.
Negative thoughts will hold you back, weigh you down, and drain your energy. Positive thoughts will give you more energy, lift you up, and set you free. Choose wisely!

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